Friday, January 29, 2010

Holy Positivity, Batman!

In an effort to counter my massive negativity, this post is going to be solely for the purpose of self-validation. If you want to know things I like about myself, read on fellow. If not, AVERT YOUR GAZE.

I like to sing, and I like my voice.
I can play the cello like nobody's business.
I can write relatively well.
I am going to graduate.
I am very loyal.
I will help those I care about without a second thought.
I am pretty.
I like to draw and I like what I draw.
I am not a narcissist.
I like that I will always rather forgive than forget.
I like that I am trusting, even though I always trust the wrong people.
I am bilingual, and I love to speak Spanish.
I am willing to make leaps of faith.
I like that I will do something just because it feels right.
I will not hurt people around me for personal gain.
I like my idiosyncrasies.
I especially like that other people pick up my idiosyncrasies.
I like my hair when I get out of the shower.
I can do calculus. Not necessarily with ease, but I can sort it all out.
Every time I say "I love you" I mean it.

And that wraps it up for now, kidlets. Hope you're all swell, or at least not terribly shitty.

But I ain't givin' up quite yet, I've got too much to lose ~ Sweet and Low by Augustana

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Inquisitions And Tornadoes

Old poem, I liked it a lot, but it's kind of short. My friend Cheyenne enlisted me to write some slam, so. It's intended to be read aloud, y'know.

Be Like
Don't cry cardboard, baby.
It paper-cuts too deep and
you can't even
river me
with it.

Don't bite your fingers to water, Jamie.
You only have so much
and I can't kiss it better
when you've stopped beating.

Don't stomp the stairs down, Johnny.
How will I climb to your love dressed in
sorry because
I can't climb walls, Peter.
I'm too afraid of jumping down.

Don't ignite, Chloe.
I'm buried too deep to put you out
and who will broom up your ash eyes
with weeping willow fingers?

Don't charcoal horses, Tommy.
You used up all the gas
when you reversed the world's turn
and all the little birds upside-down fell

Don't sad sky, emily.
Sad sunsets
so that I
can sunrise you happy.

Don't dream nightingales
dream mockingbirds.