Friday, January 29, 2010

Holy Positivity, Batman!

In an effort to counter my massive negativity, this post is going to be solely for the purpose of self-validation. If you want to know things I like about myself, read on fellow. If not, AVERT YOUR GAZE.

I like to sing, and I like my voice.
I can play the cello like nobody's business.
I can write relatively well.
I am going to graduate.
I am very loyal.
I will help those I care about without a second thought.
I am pretty.
I like to draw and I like what I draw.
I am not a narcissist.
I like that I will always rather forgive than forget.
I like that I am trusting, even though I always trust the wrong people.
I am bilingual, and I love to speak Spanish.
I am willing to make leaps of faith.
I like that I will do something just because it feels right.
I will not hurt people around me for personal gain.
I like my idiosyncrasies.
I especially like that other people pick up my idiosyncrasies.
I like my hair when I get out of the shower.
I can do calculus. Not necessarily with ease, but I can sort it all out.
Every time I say "I love you" I mean it.

And that wraps it up for now, kidlets. Hope you're all swell, or at least not terribly shitty.

But I ain't givin' up quite yet, I've got too much to lose ~ Sweet and Low by Augustana