Monday, March 22, 2010

Back In The U.S.(S.R.)

So. I happen to be back in the Americas again. Adjusting is difficult. Incredibly so, actually. I know nothing is probably different but. Goodness, that does not seem like the case.

Now, I know I should have been writing from India, but good lord. It is a bitch and three quarters to get internet in India, and whenever there was internet, 21 teenagers were scurrying to check their the Facebooks. Here is a quick little recap while I write some decent blogs about my fabtastic journey.
(Jamie, this is literally copy-paste what I wrote to you, by the by):

- I rode a camel! All by myself.
- I tried opium (bitter, with too much sugar)
- I rode a train for the very first time (quite enjoyable - not the 23 hour ride though)
- I talked to the Maharaja of Jodhpur's uncle (I love him)
- And I swam in the ocean? Not really swam. I sat in the ocean and Eric tried to drown me.
- I figured out how to compartmentalize very well. (Incredibly useful)
- I made some lovely new friends (Indian and our very own Waldenites alike - we have some darling children)
- I solidified broken ties. (Dare I say I cauterized the wounds? There are no chances of reattachment now)
- I love Jodhpur and I love Jaipur and I love Delhi.
- I love the Himalayas.
- I love overcrowded cities and bustle and too much going on and I love cows in the road and honking and noise.
- I love the smell of fresh fruit and spices and tobacco and cheap foreign cigarettes.
- I love monkeys in the streets and the warmth and green and buildings that are hundreds of years old.
- I love laundry hanging out to dry; I love the brilliant colors of saris and salwar kameezs freshly washed in water from a holy river against the murky blue sky.
- I almost died five times a day; I love Indian traffic.
- I only got lost once, and it wasn't just me - three other people.
- I have awful jet-lag (not really) and I'm really tired so I'm going to bed.
Tomorrow, in depth adventures?!?