Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Daddy Long Legs

(is a good movie)

Oh my goodness, Cecily and I have planned an elaborate hoax, and this week or next we are going to set it in motion. I am acited, it will be muy hilare (Panda is responsible for that terrible abbreviation of hilarious) except only to me and Cecily, so it's the best kind of joke.

Also we're going to try to get Carl to come to Gilbert Club, because Gilbert Club is awesome. It's a handful of professors and students who go to Iggy's to drink and talk science and be sort of rad. Dan (who is like my daddeh and I love him) and Catherine and Kevin (so feckin' cute, I can't even; he's oldish, maybe mid fifties, and he's shy and quiet and super science-y and adorable) and Patty (she's SO crazy, I love it) and Connie (Patty's best friend; she's got a dry sense of humor, it's fab) and Jessica (a super cute student; she has two poodles?) and Jessica's SO, but I can't remember his name, he's nice though, and others, but those are primarily the ones I interact with.

I'm getting over that whole "boy" ordeal so much faster than I thought I would. It's so great to be happy. I just don't even know what I was thinking keeping it up for that long. Wooooooooorst decision ever much? Ah well, I'm prone to hanging around people who crave that victim status, not terribly surprising I didn't dump the entire thing sooner. But it's over now, which is all that matters. Fabulous really. Double plus, Lucas is so proud of me for it. Haha, I am so in love with that boy.

OOH. Here's a fun fact: giant ol' rabbits? The ones I got super excited about and showed to everyone I know? Known as either Giant Grays or like Giant Flemish rabbits or something? YOU CAN BUY THEM. IN MISSOURI. I could OWN one. And I friggin' plan on it, motherfuckers. I will name it something ridiculous, like Fluffles or Socrates. And I will love it forever.

I might go to Nicaragua for the summer. There's a school down there I've been emailing, and I might be able to set up some sort of "teaching in exchange for living quarters" thing, and I'm really excited about it. Lucas might go with me, too! Which I think would actually be really neat. I miss green everything and bustling cities and calm outskirts; spanish spoken quickly and running together, strong and stubborn and open and warm. Hm yes, I think I'm growing more and more fond of this Nicaragua plan.

P.SProxy-Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0

hat is UP with that Casey kid. That is freaking awesome. He just picked that other dude right on up and plopped him down with a vengeance. Rock on, chubby kid. Rock on.
(also a weird proxy cache thing keeps happening with this paragraph and I don't know how to make it go away so you'll just have to DEAL)

LORD almighty it is four in the morning. What the hell, brain? Well, good mornin' all, I hope you have just a splendid day.

Laugh until we think we'll die, barefoot on a summer night, never could be sweeter than with you ~ Home by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros